Privacy Policy


Personal data processing policy

Media Motive SLU

1. The purpose of the personal data processing policy

Hereby, Media Motive SLU with N.I.F. B-53995742, registered office in Avda. Eusebio Sempere 13, between floor, door 2, C.P 03003 - ALICANTE, is committed to inform its clients that the activity of the company is carried out in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016 for the protection of the individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of the data.

Media Motive SLU manages the personal data provided by its clients (also referred to as “data subjects”) under conditions of complete safety and only for the specified purposes.

Categories of personal data that Media Motive processes:

1.1 Media Motive processes the following data to perform the activity specific to its object and to provide the offered services: name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, birth date, sex, technical information related to the visitor’s device (location. IP address, timetable information and also the date the site was accessed), information resulting from the cookies policy (and others, as the case may be).

1.2 For transmitting the information and complaint handling, the following data can be processed: name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, birth date, sex (and others, as the case may be).

1.3 In order to carry out the marketing activity, the activities to promote the services provided by Media Motive SLU, newsletters transmission, the follow-up sales and the consumer behavior of the Media Motive SLU clients, the following data can be processed: name and surname, birthdate, phone number, email address, preferences, commercial behavior (and others, as appropriate).

1.4 In order to carry out the customer relationship and information activity regarding the evaluation of the services offered byMedia Motive SLU, as well for the activity developed in order to improve the quality of services provided, the activity carried out through the Department of Customer Relations or the Commercial Department, the following data can be processed: name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth.

1.5 Media Motive SLU processes personal data related to the above-mentioned activities for the purposes of archiving (in order to keep evidence of the activities carried out in accordance with the legal requirements) for evidential purposes (for the protection of the rights to justice and the exercise of other rights in accordance with the legal requirements) as well as to manage and to follow the contracts with the clients.

2. The legitimacy of the personal data processing

The legitimacy of the processing of personal data that we apply is in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of EU Regulation 679/2016. In particular, the legal basis for data processing is the following:

- Art. 6 (1) (b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of a contract;

-Art. 6 (1) c) processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation incumbent on the operator;

- Art. 6 (1) f) processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of Media Motive SLU or a third party, unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedom of the data subject that require protection of data, especially when the person concerned is a child.

3. Special provisions relating to minors

In its activity Media Motive SLU does not aim to process the personal data of minors. In this regard, Media Motive SLU undertakes not to carry out any processing of the personal data of minors. Media Motive SLU services are available only for people over 18 years of age.

4. The purposes of collecting and processing personal data

Media Motive SLU collects and processes the personal data of its clients in the following purposes:

- To answer questions and requests from data subjects.

 - Managing the contractual relationship and providing consulting services required by the data subjects.

 - Managing the phone calls of data subjects.

 - Issuing invoices for the services to the benefit of the data subjects.

 - For the proper execution of the requested service, the personal data of the data subjects are treated in order to track their evolution during the provision of the service provided.

 - Carry out all administrative, tax and accounting procedures required to comply with contractual commitments and tax and accounting obligations.

 - Compliance with legal obligations.

 - Managing the transmission of information and commercial prospecting by all means agreed by explicit consent.

 - Updating and personalizing offers for the consumers.

 - For making draws, contests and prizes offered through collaborators and web pages.

5. Media Motive SLU may disclose personal data to the following categories of recipients:

a) Sub-contractors and suppliers of Media Motive SLU, respecting their confidentiality, guaranteeing that the processed personal data are kept secure, and their provision is made only in accordance with the applicable legislation in force.

b) Service providers and other recipients (banks and financial entities that serve the collection of contracted services, authorities, other State bodies) to assist Media Motive SLU in processing personal data, in the capacity of subcontractors within the limits provided by the applicable legal provisions and/ or as a result of expressed requests for personal data.

c) Employees of the Human Resources Department, as well as the employees of the business department who interact with the persons concerned through various media.

6. The duration of processing personal data

6.1 The data are stored for the duration of the service provision and the storage period can be stopped when exercising the right of opposition of the data subject, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of Regulation 679/2016.

6.2 Media Motive SLU can store personal data for a period of time determined by law for evidential and archival purposes, as well as for conducting research and market studies.

6.3 Records from phone calls will be stored for a period of 6 months; Media Motive SLU, as well as its subcontractors, undertakes to delete all telephone records older than 6 months.

7. Rights of the data subject, according to Regulation 679/2016

7.1 By reading this Data Processing Policy and marking the boxes made available to clients in this regard, they acknowledge that Media Motive SLU guarantees them the rights provided by the Regulation 679/2016, in accordance with Articles 15-22, respectively:

- The right of access to data according to art.15

 - The right to rectify the data, according to art 16;

 - The right to delete the data, according to art.17;

 - The right to restrict the data, according to art.18

 - The right to data portability, according to art.20;

 - The right to object, according to art 21;

 - The right not to be the subject to an automated individual decision, including profiling, according to art.22

 - The right to address to the The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing -

7.2 All these rights may be exercised either by a written, signed and dated request of the person concerned and by a copy of a valid identity document sent to Profesorilor Street no.8 Bucharest, Romania, or by email at Media Motive SLU and its subcontractors will respond to this request within 30 days under the General Data Protection Regulation.

7.3 The person concerned may at any time oppose the treatment of personal data for direct marketing purposes by requesting this at the Media Motive SLU headquarters, Profesorilor Street no.8 Bucharest, Romania or by e-mail at

7.4 If a person has subscribed to the Media Motive SLU newsletter, this person can at any time unsubscribe by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link that appears in each newsletter.

8.Condition of use for consultations with payment by CREDIT CARD.

The consultations with payment by CREDIT CARD are managed by our partner:


 Data Protection Office

 175 SW 7th street

 Miami, FL 33130. USA

The consultations with payment by CREDIT CARD offered by our partner TELEMAC INC are available in the next countries:

   image United Kingdom

   image Australia

   image United States of America

   image Canada

   image New Zealand

For the consultations with payment by CREDIT CARD offered by our partner TELEMAC INC there would be applied the next: